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Hawaii Dental Sleep Medicine


Experience Excellence in Airway with Hawaii Dental Sleep Medicine

Eccovision Acoustic Diagnostic Imaging

Our practice uses the Eccovision Acoustic Pharyngometer / Rhinometer system from Sleep Group Solutions to test our patients nasal and oral airways. The device sends sound waves into the airway and the reflected sound waves are measured by the machine to tell us how big the airway is.

The Rhinometer measures the nasal airway and the Pharyngometer measures the oral airway. Both systems are FDA cleared and a highly effective way for us to identify the site and severity of airway collapse as it related to snoring and sleep related breathing problems.

VPOD Ultra Pulse Oximeter

VirtuOx is a nationwide Medicare-approved Independent Diagnostic Testing Facility offering the “VirtuOx Total Solution,” which combines our advanced Overnight Oximetry Testing platform with our FDA-cleared VirtuOx VPODs.

These devices, including handheld, wrist-worn, tabletop, and fingertip oximeters, feature up to 72 hours of memory storage, making it the most cost-effective solution for qualifying oxygen patients. This CMS-approved software is user-friendly and requires no downloads.

Fontana Nightwalker Laser

Designed for ultimate versatility, LightWalker lasers provide one of the most comprehensive lists of clinical applications available on any dental laser. With both tipped and tipless hand-pieces, your clinical options are almost endless.

LightWalker Dental Lasers offer the highest standard of dental treatment, and at the same time simplicity of use in:

  • Conservative Dentistry,
  • Endodontics,
  • Periodontics,
  • Soft-tissue Surgery,
  • Implantology,
  • Aesthetic Treatments.
nighlase snoring and sleep apnea treatment honolulu hi

3D Digital Scanner (Conebeam X-Rays)

Cone-beam computed tomography systems (CBCT) are a variation of traditional computed tomography (CT) systems. The CBCT systems used by dental professionals rotate around the patient, capturing data using a cone-shaped X-ray beam. These data are used to reconstruct a three-dimensional (3D) image of the following regions of the patient’s anatomy.

Take Our Sleep Quiz

Check for Sleep Apnea: Try Our Free Quiz!

The questionnaire has been designed to determine how you are managing you’re sleeping and if it is affecting your daily life.
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Get Started in Just 4 Easy Steps:


Call us to schedule a time that works for you.

Wellness Consultation

Meet with the Doctor for an assessment.


Receive the diagnosis from your assessment.

Treatment Plan

Your personalized Wellness Plan is your plan to optimal health.

FREE “How To Stop Snoring Naturally Guide”

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